This is the third painting I did about relationship. Do you see the words "Let Go"? They are written in four places on the painting and it is the title of the piece. This painting is all about being alone. The relationship did not work out. The photo is not great and I was not able to fix much in photoshop, so forgive me, but it is close. I wish you could see these painting in real life as there is so much texture that gets lost in the photograph. "Let Go" is large 60"x 47" and it is the biggest painting I have done so far. I would like to go a lot bigger, but I would need a much larger space to work in, as it is I paint in my kitchen :-). This painting is for sale :-). Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
It is just beautiful Annie. I wish I could see it in person, cause i am sure it would blow my mind!
ps: still working on funds, I still want some Annie art!!!!! If this ivf #1 works I will be in better shape!! ;)
No worries dagny, I am just happy you like them :-).
Annie, you are so talented. The painting is lovely. I am sorry the relationship did not workout but I think you have a very healthy perspective.
ha..my dearest Annie, I dont need to crack my head time looking at this painting, straight forward but I'd love to see a painting called LOVE + HOPE :)
Sorry the relationship didnt work out, BUT that is only because there's someone better out there!!
Here's to lots of love and plenty of happiness and hope, hugs always
Beautiful painting. Yes I can see a lot of the texture and hints of colours in the background. Well done. Sometimes it's good to paint things out of our lives and move on. Hope you find Mr Right.
Sorry about the tree. here in the Uk developers have to plant a certain number of trees per new unit, and if they go over 5 units they have to pay into a tree fund for trees to be planted in the neighbourhood.
I like the movement you've created in your work. And I especially like the words ~ I'm big on that. Is there a lot of texture, looks like there is. Would like to reach out and touch !
I also would love to touch it. It's absolutely beautiful.
So, is putting words in paintings a common thing, just out of curiosity?? (Have I mentioned I am so not an artist? I like the painting though.)
Lovely work..do you like working big. It changes everything, doesn't it. Remember, no matter what, you have art! (or it has you). I know about taking pix of art, it flattens all the good stuff out.
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments.
em-yes words are common in paintings, but not something you have to have.I just LOVE words.
Paula-Yes there is texture-all those circles and markings in the cone are all carved in with Venetian plaster.
I love all the O's. It could be the 'O!' of fear, or the 'O.' of a smile accepting the present moment as it unfolds.
Wow, that is tearful and energetic at the same time, if such a thing is possible. I love that you said you work on a large scale--my art teachers in high school always supported that.
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