I got this from
KJ and
Jos. I thought I could use a little fun and lighten up a bit, so here goes:
A is for age: 55, though inside I feel 25, my body does feel pretty much 55 :-).
B is for beer of choice: I don't like beer, the one I least hate is a dark ale, champagne is my drink of choice, but I rarely drink liqueur.
C is for career: Can you call something you make very little money at a career? I am an artist and I do a whole list of things that I am self employed doing, Managing, cleaning, cooking, running errands, shipping and packing.
E is for Essential item(s) you use everyday: Furbabies, Ok, I don't "use" them, but they are essential, tooth brush, hair brush, paint brush :-), pencils & Paper, my espresso maker.
F is for Favorite song at the moment: Anything by Sting, actually I don't listen to much music or anything, these days I prefer silence.
H is for How About Whatever Favorite I Choose: Favorite TV show: Fringe. I don't have cable or satellite, but I rent dvds and have a friend tape them off his computer, so I am always up to date. I LOVE this show almost as much as I loved LOST.
G is for favorite Game: Chess, I am not very good and I rarely play, but it is the only board game I like, My favorite real game is hide and seek :-).
I is for Instruments played:When I was young I played piano and in my teens I taught myself to play "Court and Spark" on the guitar, I have forgotten how to do both at this point.
J is for favorite Juice: cranberry
K is for Kids: I have no children, but I currently have 3 furbabies, Zeus, Max and Zoe, and one little sweetie of a great Nephew named P.
L is for last kiss: I can't even remember the last real kiss, likely 3 or 4 years ago cause that is how long I have been boyfriendless, but I kiss all my friends.
M is for marriage: Never been. I have met "The One", but it did not work out, so I will most likely never marry and I am fine with that, never been lonely a day in my life.
N is for full Name: I will never tell :-).
O is for Overnight hospital stays: one at age 6 when my tonsils were removed, that's it!
P is for phobias: Just 2, doctors and public speaking.
Q is for quote: What you resist persists.
R is for biggest Regret: That it did not work out with the man I love.
S is for sports: Running and tennis.
Time you wake up: varies: usually by 7:00 am, sometimes 8 on weekends, occasionally 5 or 6 am, which is my favorite time of all.Kj we have the exact same wake up schedule :-).
U is for color underwear: most often black. And they don't ever match. Lately I bought multi colored underwear and I love it.
V is for Vegetable you love: Asparagus
W is for Worst Habit: impatience
X is for X-rays you’ve had: dental, that's it.
Y is for Yummy food you make: Chocolate cupcakes
Z is for Zodiac sign: Pisces, what else could I be?
Whew, that took a while. Happy Weekend! XOXO