This is my last post for a couple of weeks as I am leaving town this weekend and will likely be too busy to post while on my trip.
I have been struggling with painting for a few weeks, I knew something new wanted to come.
I had to give it space, take walks, meditate, read and finally this weekend it came. The tip top photo is my brand new painting and also a close up. Please let me know what you think, even those of you who do not like abstract. You can click on it to make it larger
The next three photos down are Zoe my new girl, Finn, a friend's wonderful dog, and then two love bird Ravens.
Yesterday I received this beautiful moleskine journal from my sweet friend in the UK, Joss, not only did she send this, but it is the second one as the first one got eaten by the post office, she remembered that I said I wanted one in a post once.
Last Week I received a wonderful surprise from another friend in the UK, Melanie, she had gone to Amsterdam for her birthday and bought me these sweet little China clogs, so dear of her to think of me. Thank you Joss and Melanie for always being there for me. I love you both.
I hope you all have a wonderful two weeks, I will miss you! XOXO