Meet Zoe or Milo, depends on what sex she turns out to be, but I think it's a she, I have not turned her upside down yet to find out for sure. She is sequestered in my bathroom at the moment. It got to -19 last night, and she is a homeless cat that has been hanging out in my yard. I could not let her freeze. Our shelter is NOT a no kill shelter and the feral cat lady would not take her, so I had to do something. At the moment I am looking for a home for her, if you live in Taos or Santa Fe and want a kitty, this one is a gem. Sweet and loving, very special. I have fallen in love with her myself, but I fear my other cats don't want her here, so I must find her a home.
Other news around here, it has been a very rough week. I have car issues and it cleaned out my little savings, now I need a bunch more to fix the rest of it, but I have to wait for a miracle as there is no more money to be had. I am driving on a wing and a prayer. In Taos, especially in Winter you have to have a car! Also the place I run, have run with my dog for 9 years, has now put up a sign that trespassers will be prosecuted, so we have to find a new running spot. And then there is the cat issue. Right now it is -6 and I have to go to work, I really want to just cozy back into bed. I know things will get better, I know that these are small issues in the Scheme of things, I know that life is good. Have a wonderful Animal Wednesday! XOXO
This too shall pass. You have a kind heart, and surely will be rewarded. Hugs
You are an Angel, sweetie. Zoe/Milo looks just like our rescue cat, Skitzi. Such a beauty.
I'm thinking of you and wishing for the best outcome with all that you've been encountering, dear friend.
Lots of love and huge hugs,
Well a lot of small problems can sometimes feel as one big one....
But these things can be solved.
So sweet of you to take in that kitty and find her a new home. She looks adorable!
Have a nice day and I hope all will turn out fine.....
thank goodness you sheltered kitty in the cold night. hope your troubles lighten soon, hugs, suki
I believe the cats would work it out. I rescued all 3 of my male cats at different times and they were all adults. They worked stuff out in a few days. They ended up sleeping in one great big kitty pile for many years.
But I know you also have money issues right now. I wish the best solution to this /these issues Annie.
Life is good, absolutely, but that doesn't mean it isn't also really hard and scary sometimes! I'm sorry for your struggles right now and send you this metta blessing to read to yourself in a quiet moment:
May you feel safe.
May you feel happy.
May you feel strong.
May you return to ease on your journey, one breath at a time.
Wow, I sure hope things get better soon...that kitty is so cute, such pretty eyes. I think someone would snatch her up quickly. Perhaps posters around the neighborhood? Wonder where she came from???
very sweet looking kitty. aren't there any no kill shelters nearby? of course, you'd have to have a car to get to one. oh boy. sorry annie, anything I can do to help? Pet food delivery perhaps?
too much in one week, that's for sure. the car must be the hardest part. you are indeed an angel for taking this sweet cat in. i hope everyone surprises you and decides to co-mingle
here's wishing you a hand and a miracle, annie. stay warm. i know what you mean about having to go out. heck, i could stay put for the next week just eating and writing away xoxo take care xoxo
Sending loving thoughts your way. It must be hard. It must hurt. My heart to yours.
You are all so sweet, thank you for your loving thoughts. The kitty hissed at me today, so she may not be sweet 100%, my boys are 100% sweet and I don't know if I want to keep her or if I can, money wise. I do love her though and if I had no cats I would keep her in a heartbeat. She is also afraid of dogs...Not sure how to even introduce her to the rest? Any suggestions? There are no non kill shelters in Taos that I know of. As for the car, I am driving it, it runs and I think it is a great car it's a subaru outback, though it is 16 years old it does not have many miles on it. But all cars need work sometimes and the Winters are really hard on cars that can't live in a warm garage. I fixed what I could afford and I have to expect a miracle to get the rest fixed before it is an emergency. Trust is all I know how to do :-). xoxo
Well, Zoe would be a good name for Blackie, if she's a girl! Brrrrrrrr. You are just a little colder up there- with the wind chill last night, they say it was -22 here last night. It was -1 on my way to work & down to -15 tonight. Hmmmm..... would they work on payments on your car? Something good will happen, Annie. But, keep hat, gloves & blanket in your car just in case. Is there a NO kill shelter in Santa Fe?
I want and wish for everything to turn out for you annie, and i believe it will. you have such a good sweet heart :)
What a sweetheart, I love black cats. You may be meant for her, and the others will eventually learn to live with it. I'm going through a similar thing myself right now.
If I were nearer I would take her although my husband may have something to say! - your other cats may take to her - its taken my 12 year old nearly a year to accept my new cat. Sorry to hear about all your problems and hope things get better for you soon x
Your heart is just beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.
I had to read about the black kitty you referenced in your latest post. What a doll you are to rescue this lovely little cat! I try to help the feral cats that live in the bush here, but they are so wild they won't come near, even for food. I think it's way too cold out there for them, but they seem to find somewhere to hole up.
I'm thinking of you, Annie, and hope that things work out...
what an amazing person you are! may blessings rain on you!
Something good will come for sure.... you will be rewarded for saving that really good looking cat.
Hello from Oregon! Thanks for allowing me to peek around in your blog and join in on your giveaway. Beautiful pendant. Fits the theme for OWOH perfectly!
Please feel free to come to my blog and enter my giveaway also.
:) Gale OWOH #473
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