This is a little 8"x8". My new paintings are all memories from looking out of airplane windows at the land below and then of course I add some color :-). I have 3 (two small and one large) paintings in the works right now. Work is slow so I am using my extra time productively.
I am looking forward to the next 48 hours. I get to paint and read and watch the birds. I also plan on a few afternoon naps and a lot of joy seeking. What are your plans for the weekend?
Happy days. XOXO
That's an interesting perspective for your paintings!
For my weekend: catch up on sleep, laundry, play with the cat, do a tie-dyeing event with the teens at my library. Oh, and shop for that stuff beforehand. But trying my hardest to chill out in the middle of leaving two jobs and starting a new one soon.
What a pretty painting! It's beautiful and bewildering...just like looking out of an airplane window.
(I know you'll think I'm nuts, but when I look out airplane windows I see little figure eight patterns squirming around in the air. I have no idea what it is or why.)
I think I'm finally catching up and starting to use all my free time wisely and passionately. I have many projects! So that's what I'm doing this weekend...oh and eating all the corn I bought at the farmers' market this morning. : )
Have a great weekend Annie!
Darling painting! I like your idea here.
Hia Annie, it reminds me of a crows eye view of a lake, road and trees. I love the colours you have chosen.
As for my weekend, I finished the bag which was in pieces on the floor and spent a wonderful afternoon painting with friends. Tomorrow who knows after we've tidied up. :-) Have a wonderful weekend.
this looks to me like a child's view, with the circles and colors. Just lazing around. Prepared picnic to share with son on Saturday, read and contemplated life. Sunday remains open plans.
That reminds me of Easter.
Being with my family, sneaking in some time for silence and solitude to meditate, exercise, and do some yoga, read blogs:)
Nice painting!
Hi Annie,
Your painting makes me think of water releasing something, the opposite of ripples in a pond from something coming into it. Like releasing joy that gets bigger as it rises.
It's so much fun to visit you. I never know what you will be up to, but I know it will be good.
I'm writing, puttering around the house, doing some crosstitch and collages, watching geese and ducks in the partially flooded field behind me and just generally relaxing this weekend.
ah, life is good.
So fun to watch you have fun, Annie. I hope your weekend was delicious, delightful, and that the naps were awesome. I worked this weekend, so I am looking forward to some self-nurturing time tomorrow.
Your paintings are delightful too and full of joy!
Ah, weekend came and gone...busy as usual, a bit of gardening, painting a feature wall in purple, husband is still 'color shocked' with the wall hehe :D but I thought it was fun and fresh to have something different.
I am so glad to hear that your ad went well, worry not my dear Annie, it will turn out good..I am sending all those positive vibes via my this comment.
AND yes, that cup you made-which-got-lost would have been so cool in my collection. I hate the postal here..but it's ok, things happens for a reason..though I cant think of anything positive on this. Ok, Monday morning blues and i am rambling on like a headless chicken here...hehe/hugs......M
Thanks for all of your comments on the painting and I am always so happy to know what you are all up to, thanks for filling me in :-).
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