Monday, December 29, 2008
Travel update
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy weekend! XOXO
Monday, December 22, 2008
Leaving on a jet plane, hopefully...

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Full Circle

Friday, December 19, 2008
Taos Mountain

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I took this picture today. It has been snowing non-stop. I love how everything gets so quiet when it snows. This is how I am feeling these days, quiet and contemplative, calm and accepting. Gearing up for when I leave next week to go home for the holidays, it will be a busy and fun time. What are you doing for Christmas (if you celebrate it) ? XOXO
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Passion for Art
Now you know a bit more about me.
If you are an art lover, please share with me the artists you are inspired by. Happy Sunday.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008

I took this photo the other morning when it was cloudy and still somewhat dark outside. These are my doves, there are about five, that live in my neighborhood. They come and eat in my yard everyday and I have fallen in love with them, I adore their plaintive call and how gentle and careful they are. I also love their sand like color and these doves all have a half circle of a black ring around their necks. When I am sad or sometimes a little lost, nature in all it's glory is the one thing that can always make me smile, no matter what. What makes you smile when you are sad? XOXO
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Loving my life...
What did you have to accept lately and what were you brave about this week?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Random thoughts...

Friday, December 5, 2008

This is Max being bad. He loves the sink, so I have to constantly clean it. When I cook I have to keep him occupied otherwise he harasses me, so the other day I gave him a fresh string bean to play with, he loved it and played with it for hours, so yesterday I bought a bag of beans just for him. A fresh one everyday :-). He brought me one last night to throw and I think I threw it about 20 times. Okay, I admit it, my cats are weird :-) and so am I :-). Happy Friday. XOXO
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What I have been up to...

Monday, December 1, 2008
Spread a little love
Someone once said (I forget who), that a piece of art does not really live
until it is seen by others. I think in a way they are right. In an effort
to help other artists, I am linking you to a few artists that I think you
will admire. I may make this a weekly or bi-weekly thing. Please go give
them some blog love :-).
First up is a dear woman and a kindred spirit, Lisa Plummer, she
does art straight from her heart. Then there is Paula Snyder, she
is an artist who lives in my state and she paints delightful, colorful
paintings that will lift your spirits. Last but not least is Sukipoet,
who is a very inventive and soulful artist.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Rumi poem
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
For me this poem is a reason to live.
It tells you everything you need to know
for a happy life: Don't resist, flow. XOXO
P.S. I got this poem at Mermaid's blog
and she was happy to share :-).
Friday, November 28, 2008
Award time!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008
What do men want?
I thought I would ask the same question of the men.
I know I don't have many male readers, but I expect to
hear from both of you :-). I have been thinking of this
for a long time.
I ask this because most (not all) of
the crazy, high maintenance women I know have men, and
the wonderful, sweet women I know don't (there are exceptions).
You know how men are all the time saying that woman like bad boys, well
I think it is true of men too, they like bad women.
I am pretty sure looks don't matter much in this equation, as most of
the women I know are all good looking. I lump myself in
with the wonderful, sweet women. I fail miserably at
relationship. I don't mind this so much because I am a loner,
but would like to one day have a mate :-). So, guys help me out.
What do you want your dream woman to be like? Since I have very
few male readers, any of you, male or female that has advice, please give it to me.
I probably should not post right before bed, I tend to ramble
and ask silly questions :-).
Sweet dreams. XOXO
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Life is weird and crazy on top

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Random thoughts...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
New cards and ornaments in my Esty shop

Friday, November 14, 2008
I think you won't be interested, but this dream
has a message for us all. In my dream an angel
appeared in the form of a black woman in dreadlocks.
She smiled and twirled around with her arms outstretched
and said to me "Do what brings you joy and happiness,
do what you love".
This past two weeks I have been working on photos of
new work for the shop, but I have done no art, none!
I think this was a message to get to it :-).
I am still working on coyote's message, but I think
it has something to do with hope, and love.
Happy weekend everyone. XOXO
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008
What I love today...

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Living in the moment

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Bright, Happy Day!
This is a happy day indeed. It is a new world.
I am filled with hope for the future :-).
We should all be so proud :-).
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
And the winner is...
of my Anniversary give away. I put all your names in
a bag and em is the winner!!! I don't even know what
the prize will be yet, but it will include something I made.
em congratulations, it could not happen to a better blogger
:-). This is fun, I may make it a regular thing around here, if
I can afford the postage :-). Happy election day all. XOXO
Monday, November 3, 2008
about this election because I am not a very political
person. I have a hard time getting worked up about
any of it, but I am going to say a little bit here in honor
of a man I believe is our best hope. I won't tell you I
think you should vote, or who to vote for, but I will
tell you that I think Obama is the only choice. This
is what I believe with my heart and my mind.
When I was very young (and this will really age me :-),
I loved Bobby Kennedy and the day he was shot was
very dark. I lost hope then in the political system.
Obama has brought back just a glimmer of that hope.
For me, today, he is the only choice.
Blessings on him and may the Gods smile on him tomorrow
and on us all :-).
Saturday, November 1, 2008
1st Blogging Anniversary

Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Grand Opening of my Esty shop!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
in the switching of the rooms.
I am down to 8 piles of things I know not what to do with
and 2 closets to transfer, plus a very neglected and dirty
house to clean, but I can see the end of the tunnel ;-).
What has been taking me so long is the fact that I have
to go through everything and purge. It seems like the
thing to do. It needed to be done long ago and this forces
me to do it. Why, oh why, do we (I) hang on to useless things
way past the point of ever in my wildest dreams using
said useless thing? Like for instance a 25 year old tennis
racket. Even if I did decide on a whim to take up tennis again,
this racket is obsolete! Out it goes! Many items like this are
leaving and I am feeling lighter and lighter as I fill up
one trash bag after another. I am also giving much that is
still useful away. Do any of you have this probelm of hanging
on? There is still a lot I could let go of, but I am just not
ready yet. One tiny step at a time...
Share with me your stories of hanging on and letting go.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Be Brave
"I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom,and that which came to me as blossom,goes on as fruit."
~by Dawna Markova (I Will Not Die an Unlived Life)
:-). XOXO
Sunday, October 19, 2008
For the last 2 days I have been switching my bedroom with my
art/office room. One reason I switched them is because I need
more room for my art stuff and the bedroom was bigger.
This project has proved to be more intense than I had first
thought :-). I am sitting here in a mess beyond belief.
I will get most of it done today, however, and just in time for
work tomorrow :-).
I just keep thinking how wonderful it will be when I am finished.
Happy Sunday everyone. XOXO
P.S. All my animal boys hate me right now.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What made my day magic...
She is awake and asking for coffee :-). Thanks for your
2. As I was running this morning I saw this bird, I have
seen before, but it always takes my breath away. When
it flies it's wings are this perfect, wonderful shade of
blue. It is a blue so rich and alive I have not seen it
anywhere else in nature. (Note to self, look up this bird
and find out it's name :-).
3. I took photos of more of my art today and got them ready for
my Esty site and picked up fired pieces of my pottery and
dropped off ornaments to fire. All the while thinking how much
I love my job of being an artist, even the business side of it.
4. The fact that I am now going to go work on a large bowl
I started last weekend and get my hands into clay.
What made your day special? Please share. XOXO
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Prayers and positive thoughts...
It is not supposed to be life threatening, but you
just never know. Please send happy thoughts her
way, it could not hurt :-). Thanks. Love you mom.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Holiday Craft

Ornaments in the raw clay stage.
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What's up...
blogs the last few days. Working a bit and also making
art which I will show you soon. My Esty shop is coming
soon, it has taken me a while to get it together, but I am
almost there. I have been having a blast making holiday
ornaments to sell on Esty. I have plans to sell
cards as well. When I look at my future I see so much fun
ahead making things and falling in love everyday with clay
and paint :-).
On the family front, please continue to send good thoughts
out for my cousin R. Also my mom could use some too as
she is having some health issues of her own.
Not much for you today. I promise a real post soon.
Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008
When I even think about complaining about my life, I will think about this poor woman and the others like her. This story has affected me like no other. I, like Yoli and Maryam can not look away...
In order to reach as many people as possible I am copying Maryam's ( My Marrakesh ) post to my blog. Please, read and if you find it in your heart to help, please do:
She has a small, neat head, her features delicately sketched, her teeth very white. Her grey suit is too large for her narrow frame but her cream shoes are polished and she moves with a certain elegance on ankles impossibly slim.Her name is Vestine. She's 42 and she survived the Rwandan genocide.Vestine was rounded up one night and held captive in a stadium with others. Left without food, on the fifth day, she began to eat grass, one green blade after another. It was that day, too, that a soldier marched her to the sordid bathroom and ordered her to take off all her clothes. Her hands twisting in her lap, she says,"He told me he wanted to see if Tutsi women were made differently than Hutu women. Then...then he raped me." The next day it was a different soldier, this one trying to force his penis into her mouth. When she protested, he clubbed her on the head. With her fingers lightly tapping her face, Vestine describes how the blood streamed into her eyes and down her nose, as she did what he required.Vestine's story continues, relentless. After they had had their fill of her, you see, the soldiers would force her down on her hands and knees, straddle her back, and ride her around the stadium like a donket, beating the soles of her feet with a stick urging her to go faster and faster.When she was finally brought back to her home, Vestine found her husband and two brothers on the floor, hacked to death by machete. By day, she was raped over and over by a soldier who held her captive. By night, the dogs would come and feast on the rotting bodies of the people she loved most.After weeks, Vestine was ordered to the local Hutu commander's house. Vestine fought back, perhaps her fatal mistake. Her voice faltering, she looks down at her lap and whispers,"The commander took a knife and then he mutilated my genitals, cutting off ....cutting off everything I had left there. Then....then, he made me swallow what he had taken from me."Vestine survived the genocide, rescued by a Hutu neighbor who hid her. Two of her three children also survived, the third was killed by a grenade when he tried to flee into the mountains.It was only seven years later that Vestine -- broken and sick -- found out that she had been infected by HIV/AIDs.Vestine, and thousands like her, are now being helped by AVEGA, a Rwandan NGO dedicated to widows of the genocide. Their funds are small but their hearts are big.Could you, would you find room in your heart to help, too? In a different dark life, in a different dark space, it could have been you, in Vestine's place. It could have been me in Vestine's place.Is fifty dollars too much? Or perhaps 25 dollars if times are tough? Might someone also help me by taking donations via their Paypal account? (I don't have one and can't get one in Morocco.) Any mentions on blogs would be incredibly appreciated, too. Leave a comment or email me at maryam at if you would like to help. I promise you -- with a certainty that is desperately sad -- that this will be the most meaningful money you spend all month.My week has been filled with horror -- I can't look away. Please, please, don't you look away, too.
Monday, September 29, 2008
No Fear
but I will tell you one thing I have learned, worry does
not help. When things happen that I have no power over,
I have found it is best to let go and trust that everything
that is happening is for my best, no matter how awful it
may seem. It is often easier said than done, but I attempt
to accept what I can do nothing about.
Since doing the Be Brave project (which I will do for life :-),
I have learned to stick my tongue out at fear. I first
stare it down, stand up really tall and laugh.
What is there to fear? Oh, I guess there are a million things
to be afraid of, but I figure I really don't have the time.
We are given such a small, fleeting bit of time, what a waste
to be in fear, ever. Of course, sometimes fear comes in handy
and we need to heed it, but most of the time we fear things
that will NEVER happen. I have abused fear in my lifetime,
by letting it get the best of me when there was nothing there,
just some story I told myself. Fear is now my friend, it was meant
only to let us know when to flee, but our society has twisted it
into a full time profession :-). I am so grateful that I found
the Be Brave project, it has changed my life.
Speaking of brave, my cousin R is the bravest person I know,
he is facing chemo next week and he is so full of positive energy
and life. He makes me ashamed to complain about anything.
Thank you all for your prayers.
Hope you all had a grand Monday, let me know what fears
you stared down this week.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My friend's new resort:Victoria's Last Resort

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pot of gold

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Silly pottery

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
Purple beauty

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another new painting

this is a bit too light,

Monday, September 8, 2008
New painting

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Award time

Friday, September 5, 2008
Sad news
has cancer and is having surgery today. I
won't name the cancer, but it is a really bad
one, the worst one. He is a little younger
than me and it breaks my heart. Please
send up prayers and good thoughts for him
to whatever God you believe in. Thanks.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
3 wonderful things.
feeling a little blue today, so I thought it would
help me get back to myself. The deal is, you write
about 3 wonderful things, so here is my list for today:
1. Waking up and knowing I get to do art all day!
2. Going for a long, sweet run with my dog first thing.
3. The beautiful humming bird outside in my flower garden,
the one I have been trying to get a photo of all week.
I can't stop with 3 :-), so here are some more wonderful things:
4. My animal boys, they are the joy of my life and I am not sure
what I would do without them.
5. The colors blue and green and all the various shades of both
and the combined color they make.
6. Clay and paint and plaster and all the beauty that can be made
from them.
7. Imagination, where would we be without it-no where.
8. Friends, family and bloggers :-).
9. One more chance to live life with my whole heart and
never let fear rule my life again.
What are your 3 things? Happy Thursday. XOXO
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Creative Bliss
Seven new small paintings started. Three
bowls, one mug and one plate made. I can't
keep this smile off my face :-). It is beyond
bliss. I have taken a three day a week job that
starts the end of the month. Three days is not
enough, but it is all I am willing to take as I feel
so strongly that now is the time to get my art out
into the world. It is what I am meant to do, it is
what I am happiest doing. Joseph Campbell's
often quoted quote-Follow your Bliss-is my
guiding light right now. It is so frightening to
trust this, yet for once in my life I am going to
do it. By the way the job came to me and was handed
to me without any effort at all, that is really the
only reason I am taking it as it feels right, for now
and at least I will have some money coming in, but
I will have 4 whole days to do art!!! So much better
than 2! For the next month I will have everyday
to make beauty. My plan is to have my Esty shop up
before 2 weeks. I will post photos of my new stuff soon.
Off to bed. Have a wonderful Wednesday! XOXOXO
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The adventure continues
There was a big art opening last night at the gallery where
I show. My friends J and J went with me. I was a bit
nervous because I knew my old boss would be there.
He avoided me for a while which was easy because it
was really crowded in the gallery. However, he was soon
near enough that we had to speak to one another, so I
went first, I smiled and asked how he was then I forced him
to hug me :-). Later I saw his wife and she was just as friendly
and supportive as could be. It felt really good to force myself
to be brave and have it pay off so nicely :-). I am glad I got
that over with because I will be seeing him at functions a lot
in this town. I also had someone tell me that I had changed
their life by my example :-). Wow, no one has ever said that
to me before. The really wonderful part was yet to come.
I went to J's house with the other J and L joined us,
J's mom was also there. We shared art and talked into the evening
for hours. I was so inspired. I love my friends so much and
what is so cool is that J and J and L are men. I have found some
of my deepest and closest friendships to be with men. Don't get
me wrong I have deep, close friendships with women too, but not as
many. I am not sure why this is, but I am thrilled with the friends I have.
I felt so loved last night that I came home on a kind of cloud of joy.
I dreamed I could walk through walls and fly :-). Happy Sunday! XOXO
P.S. What made you joyful this week? Please share.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
When you leap...
I had never experienced it. Now I have. I felt the net
forming the minute I quit my job, which felt very
much like jumping off a cliff :-). I have another wee
job tomorrow and for the last two days I have worked
on glazing the nine clay pieces I have done. Glazing
is every bit as hard as I have been told and I am afraid
none of my pieces will be saleable, but I won't know until
they are fired. It's okay, I will learn :-). During the last few
days I have felt so calm and so loved and so very taken
care of. I KNOW all is well and I will never take or stay
in another job because of fear. This Be Brave project has
been the most powerful thing I have ever done. I am into my
second month and I am committed to it for life. I must say
it can be intense, look how much my life has changed since
I started doing it. I recommend it to anyone who is feeling
stuck or wants to change their life in a hurry :-).
Thanks for all of your moral support. I love you.