I thought I would share my new banner for my ESTY site. I also thought that I would give you a run down of what has been happening and what I have been doing, if only because I use this blog as a sort of diary. It has been a wonderful week and that after a terrible week. I won't dwell on the terrible week, especially not after the great week I just had :-). First, this week I took my Spike to the vet for his 6 month check up to see if the stone in his bladder had grown and to check on his kidney's (he is the cat who had kidney failure 1 year and 2 months ago) and we got great news, the stone has not grown and his kidney numbers are almost normal, an improvement since his last tests. This had me doing the dance of joy :-). Next, I went to the place I have my ceramics fired and when I got money out to pay, the owner said that someone had come in and paid 100 dollars in my name, so I had a 100 dollar credit! How wonderful is that. Then today I found a 20 dollar bill! Tomorrow I am going to Santa Fe with a friend, so who knows what other wonderful things are in store. Have a Happy weekend! XOXO P.S. I almost forgot, my darling blogger friend from England, Melanie sent me the most wonderful gift, a bag she made along with a lavender sachet, when I get pictures taken I will show you! Thank you Melanie!