Sunday, December 14, 2008

Passion for Art

This is going to be a post about art. Art fills up my life, not just making art, but looking at it as well, and I wanted to tell you about some of the artists I am passionate about. I don't know about sharing photos, so to be safe I will just provide links. First up a man I am madly in love with and would be stalking if he were alive is Willem de Kooning. Talk about passion, this man painted with so much passion his canvases are on fire. Next, a woman who lived in Taos, her name is Rebecca James and she painted wonderful reverse paintings on glass, she was also married to the famous photographer Paul Strand. Moving on to the living: my #1 favorite artist is Cecily Brown. She is younger than me and way famous and well she should be, she amazes me with each new work, knocks me out. My dream is to see one of her paintings in the flesh. Another painter I am in awe of is lucian Freud, he is the grandson of Sigmund freud and he is one of the best painters I have ever seen. I could look at his work for hours and never get tried of it. One artist that is at the top of her game is Jenny Saville. Her work is often disturbing and I probably would not be able to live with most of it, but her handling of paint is exquisite. Last but not least is a local man and a friend of mine and I think his paintings are delicious, Jack Smith, scroll down midway on this link to see Jack's paintings.
Now you know a bit more about me.
If you are an art lover, please share with me the artists you are inspired by. Happy Sunday.


sukipoet said...

Such an interesting post Annie. These are passionate and unconventional painters. Fierce. Thank you for some new intros and for reminding me of some old favs. I like Lucien Freud also. Also, as a writer, his daughter who has published around 6 novels. Except for Willem de Kooning all the others you mention are new to me. Jack Smith's portraits and also Jenny Saville's are wonderful. Do you do portraits? Do you know Alice Neel's work? Portraits with passion too. A few of my fav's are Alice Neel, Emily Carr, Frieda Kahlo, Gwen John, Paula Modersohn Becker. Some of these I like a mix of their art and also find their lives inspiring. On that note of the lives I'd say Georgia Okeefe, also Louise Bourgeouis, Louise Nevelson.

Annie Coe said...

You have listed many of my favorites, I plan on doing a post of sculptors I love and Louise Bourgeouis and Louise Nevelson are top favs. I also love Frieda and Georgia, Rebecca and she were best pals. I will check the others you mentiond out. No, I don't have any desire to paint people, isn't it strange that some of my favorite artists do. Go figure. Thanks Suki

Mary-Laure said...

I can't live without art.
I love Caravaggio, Vermeer, Bosch and many more...

Annie Coe said...

Mary-Laure- I love all of them too!
and many more, I will be highlighting others in future posts.
I don't understand people who don't love art :-).

Unknown said...

Very interesting esp for me, I'll go check the links :D

Anonymous said...

I saw an exhibition years ago of Freud's work at the Enbankment in London. His flesh tones I found unusual as up close there were greens and blues, yet take a few steps back and it wass right.

As for artists I like the blogger and Etsy artist Rima Staine's work, Rackham, the intensity of colour and sculpted effect of the undiluted paint in Van Gogh's, the way Da Vinci drew muscles, the messages in the paintings of the PRB Oh so many. :-) I am very ecclectic.

Em said...

I wish I could contribute but I really know next to nothing about art. :-)