Just a reminder to keep dreaming.
As children we all dream, all the time,
but when we get older for some reason
we stop. I never really grew up, so I have
never stopped dreaming :-).
By dream I don't mean make lists of goals
or strive to make things happen. I just mean
dream. Play. Do things you love to do. be with
people you love to be with. I used to be a big
believer in goals and plans, but I have learned
some new tricks and one of them is to go with
the flow. No more"TRYING" to make things
happen. I am done with all that. Action will be
taken, but only when I am inspired, only when
doing makes me happy. :-).
Note: Don't forget to make a donation to Bernie,
at A Place to Bark.
Please do so fast as time is ticking. Thanks!