Thursday, April 29, 2010
I'm Having a SALE!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Monday, April 26, 2010
New Painting

(Click on image to enlarge)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday Randomness

Friday, April 23, 2010
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Down the Rabbit Hole
The really hard part is the fact that things could get really scary and bumpy while you do the work of changing your patterns or beliefs. I am shaking in my boots, but you know what? I am brave and I am going to go for it, because I have nothing to lose and every thing to gain. This book is not really about getting rich, it is about being free. Some strange things have already happened since I started doing the process, which can take up to a year or two to be completed, and may never be completed! You have to read the book to see what I am talking about, because it would be too hard to relay it all to you where it made sense without quoting the whole book :-).
I plan on doing the work and when something really bizarre happens I will tell you about it and also give you progress reports, although we are not to look for outcomes in this work, there are bound to be some :-). I wish I could tell you more, but like I say this stuff is really hard to put into words. Just, please pray for me because I think it may be a wild ride :-). If any of you buy the book, please let me know so we can talk about it! Happy Thursday! XOXO
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Santa Fe
First, I am sorry, I got so caught up in the day I totally forgot to take photos. I did remember to take my camera though :-). Second, no, I did not find a gallery to take my work. I only got one to even look at the Cd. She liked the work, but did not think it fit into her gallery. A cool thing though is she gave my friend J and I a bunch of new painting brushes, I got about 150 dollars worth! None of the other galleries would even look at the Cd's, they have all the artists they have room for (I have been hearing this for 30 years, yet these galleries DO take on new artists). Perhaps I am just a bad salesperson, but it seems futile at this point. Not sure what to do, but I have to find a different way. Third, I had a great time anyway. We had a wonderful breakfast with my friend K at Cafe Pasqual's, I had french toast, Yum. And at the end of the gallery hunt we went to see Alexandra Eldridge at her studio, that was the highlight of the day. She is too wonderful for words. Kind and beautiful, and open and giving, and so talented! She showed me all sorts of things I can do with the venetian plaster, so I have some new techniques to try out. It was a blast to spend time with her. So, that's the trip in a nut shell. Happy Tuesday! XOXO
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Santa Fe Here We Come (and other stories)
It may rain, but even if it does, it won't dampen my spirits :-). I will take my camera and if I get permission I will photograph the whole day for you.
In other news, I received my book finally "Busting Loose From the Money Game", I will tell you that I feel I have gone down the rabbit hole and now I know what those coyotes were telling me.
I will explain more later this coming week as I want to do a post about it.
Have a wonderful, care-free Sunday! And please say a little prayer for J and I tomorrow and also for my dear mom, who is still having a lot of pain in her leg.
Love you. XOXO
Friday, April 16, 2010
Free of worry. Light and easy. Happy go lucky. I have been attempting to be care free my whole life. It is time to do it! Come join me in this quest. Worry never makes anything good happen.
I know this does not really qualify as a real post, but it is on my mind and I wanted to share it before I forgot :-). Love. XOXO
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010
Books that Changed My Life
I am expecting great things from this book and it got me thinking about other books that have changed my life. The list is too long to give you all of them, but I thought I would give you highlights and work from the past to the present.
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D Salinger
"The Razor's Edge" by W. Somerset Maugham
Both these book were for me so important and taught me how to live from my soul and to always be true to myself above all else. To be authentic. They remain two of my favorite books.
All the books by Carlos Castaneda. I read them all in my late Twenties and I loved them. Regardless if you believe them to be true or made up, they are mind altering. I learned more from Don Juan than almost any other spiritual teacher.
Ditto for the Seth book "The Nature of Personal Reality" By Jane Roberts. I read ALL the Seth books and adored them, but this was and is my favorite.
As for non-spiritual books I loved during this same time period, there is "A Little Original Sin" By Jane Bowles (Paul Bowles wife). I fell in love with her and Paul and read all their works. They were true Bohemians and they lived a life full of adventure. It is because of them that I want to visit Tangier's. At the same time I read "A literate Passion" by Anais Nin and Henry Miller, these were letters they wrote to one another. They too taught me to live my life true to myself.
Another book that meant a lot, just because it was strange and wonderful is "The Search for Omm Sety" by Johnathan Cott. This is a love story like no other and is based on a true story.
It opened my mind and showed me that anything was possible!
Then there is ANYTHING by Shakespeare. He was so wise and I have learned so much from him over the years.
And last but never least is a book I read 6 months ago (twice) and will likely read many more times before I leave this earth "When Fear Falls Away" by Jan Frazier. A beautiful book about being awake.
I hope you all enjoy this post and follow the links and perhaps learn about books you have never heard of or remember old favorites.
Happy Friday! XOXO
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Painting

(Be sure and click on the image for a closer view)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Monday, April 5, 2010
Another Coyote (Trick or Treat)

Less than 3 weeks ago a coyote ran in front of my car, yesterday on my way to the place I run, another coyote ran in front of my car. This is getting spooky. Something is indeed up and I am on the lookout. Only time will tell...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Easter, Happy Spring

For me Easter is all about chocolate eggs :-). And bunnies.
Have a wonderful one, if you celebrate and have a wonderful one even if you don't.
Friday, April 2, 2010
I want:
A trip to Paris.
New tires.
A house to call my own.
A trip to Tangier's.
A trip to Rome.
A meal at my favorite restaurant in town. Very pricey.
New clothes.
A trip to Portland to see my family.
A trip to San Francisco to see old friends.
A painting and potter's studio.
There, I feel better.
Actually, I have sent away for a new book, called "Busting Loose from the Money Game" by Robert Scheinfeld.
I am hoping that it will help me change my relationship to money, my attitude clearly has to to change and I feel very stuck. I know that my painting is good and I know that it will sell if it finds the right home, but I also know that I have to change my mind before the reality changes. I will take you on this adventure with me and maybe we will all learn something, (though most of you all seem to be doing very well with your money). The book should arrive in about 5 days. I will keep you posted. Happy Friday. xoxo