Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Monday, January 25, 2010
Taos Mountain
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Why is it that when it is most important to remember we forget? At least that is true of me and I have a feeling I am not the only one.
This week I have been meditating deeply and doing art and reading and watching movies and
walking in the snow and napping, spending lots of time with my boys and saying yes to fun.
I went to a Scottish party, celebrating everything Scottish and it was such fun! I only knew two people there and it was a stretch for me to go, but I am so glad I did. Sometimes it is good to go outside your comfort zone and have new experiences, it keeps us young.
It is Sunday and I have a long work week ahead so I am taking it easy today, going for a long snow run with my sweet dog and starting the second Stieg larrson book "The Girl Who Played with Fire", glazing some porcelain and working on the big painting. It is a bliss day. May you have a bliss Sunday too. XOXO
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Random Thoughts...
A friend asked me the other night, how I can believe in God when something happens like the earthquake in Haiti. I did not have a very good answer. I think of God as an energy source that runs through every living thing and has only well being and love to give. I believe God cares about the people of Haiti, but I don't believe that God had anything to do with the earthquake.
I think that nature, mother earth does what it does and it is not personal. I also believe that everything happens for a reason, and that belief is hard to reconcile with something like the Haiti earthquake. So I end up throwing up my hands and asking why, when I see people suffering.
I do not have an answer. What do you all think? How do you answer those hard questions?
So, that's whats on my mind tonight, one topic trivial and one serious.
Happy Thursday. XOXO ♥
Monday, January 18, 2010
My Pages for the Artshine project

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Deep Gratitude
Today I have a wonderfully fun day planned of art. First I will be completing my page for my traveling book, something I have never done before and I am excited, then I am working on my large 48"x48" painting that has been waiting patiently for months while I played with porcelain instead. 12 hours to do nothing but art, bliss.
What are you thankful for today?
Love and hugs, XOXO ♥
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010
The Gift of Nothing

The photo of my cat Max and dog Zeus has nothing to do with the post, just thought it was adorable and wanted to share :-). Today is my first day off in 7 days and I am giving myself the gift of doing nothing today. I say nothing, but I will actually be playing, which means going back to bed with my book (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larson). Making myself a yummy breakfast of hot chocolate and tangerines and toast. I will also be trying out a printing technique I learned from Sukipoet, just for fun. Then later, a friend has loaned me some early Hitchcock films, I have loved Hitchcock since I was six (I was an odd child), so I am looking forward to watching them. What I will not be doing is anything on my long to do list :-). Mom is in better spirits and is walking a little. Tiny, baby steps each day. Keep those prayers coming. Thank you! May you all have a wonderful, blessed day. XOXO ♥ ♥ ♥ P.S. In keeping with my plan to create more bliss in my life, I am joining Lynn's new traveling art book. All who sign up will do a page and then send it on. If you wish to join the fun go visit Lynn's blog and leave her a comment letting her know.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Looking for Bliss
I seem to have misplaced my bliss somewhere. My joy is hiding, but I am determined to seek it and find it and live it again. I welcome this challenge. To be joyful even when things are not going well, this is my lifelong goal. To not be at the mercy of events or people. To have and hold and always keep a big vat of joy in my heart no matter what occurs. Yes, it is easier said than done, but I know it is possible and I am gonna do it :-). Things I will be doing this next week to help restore my bliss:
Going to a big party tomorrow night.
Going to see Avatar.
Working on my big painting (finally after months)
Making valentine's out of porcelain.
Running with my dog, Zeus.
Hot chocolate and maybe even cake :-).
Meditating and staying in the moment.
Blogging and hearing from my bloggy buddies.
I will be giving reports of my success's all week. Also I want to ask for continued prayers for mom, she is in assisted living, but really hates it and cannot walk and is feeling badly about it all. She needs a dose of bliss too.
Happy Friday. XOXO ♥
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Since I am not there due to lack of money and cat kids to nurse(they are both doing very well!), I will be home, praying and staying close to the phone while making porcelain cups.
Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts and support. XOXO
*The surgery went fine, she got out about an hour ago. All is well.*