I am as busy as a bee these days. I am cleaning places in my house that have not been cleaned for a year :-). It feels good. Today is the final clean before my mom comes. I also have a new little problem. A sweet cat has come to me for help. I can't let her in the house as my cat Max will not tolerate a new cat, so I made a box home for her on my porch and I am feeding her and looking for a home she will be happy in. I believe she is an abused kitty. The thing about Taos is that it is a beautiful place, but like all places there is a very dark side. The treatment of animals here is beyond cruel. Please pray I find her a home with lots of love, she deserves it. This is going to be a very busy time with work and my mom and brother and his wife, I won't have much time to post or visit, but know that I am thinking of you and will catch up when I can. Also I have a new blog friend who I am becoming very fond of indeed and she has real life and death health issues and members of her family are also in much need of your prayers and good thoughts. Her name is Renee, please send up a prayer for her and her family. And since we are praying send one up for M.Kate and her family as well for good health. Let me throw in a couple more :-). Keep sending good thoughts up for my cousin R and I have an old friend (we'll call her R too)who is feeling very lonely. Okay you all get halos!
Thank you! Have a most wonderful week! See you when I see you :-). XOXO
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009

This is a partial view and a close up of my beloved Taos mountain.
Still no epiphany, but I do know some things I have to do: work less and or find a job that is not so hard on my body that I can do from home on the computer, if you have any ideas let me now :-). I still want to try my hand at being a life coach, but have not been able to swing the cost of the courses (yet). I wish I could make my bowls faster as I think I could sell them, but it is slow going and I have been in painting mode, so I have not touched clay for over a month! I do have an idea for Christmas and I need your advice. I plan on making clay star ornaments and selling them on the blog and or Etsy. I would do 6 in a package and sell them for 35-45 dollars. I will make one batch up and let you see and then I will take orders, would any of you be interested in these? Also I will do handmade cards and do the same. What do you think? I have to start soon though! Right now I am working and also getting ready for my mom's visit. She has turned in her wheelchair and is doing very well! She is coming for two weeks starting the first of September, then my brother p and his lovely wife C are coming for the last 4 days of mom's visit.
I have much house and yard work to do before they come! I am taking it slow though, being good to do a little and rest a little. That Epiphany will have to wait! :-). So, that is what is going on in the moment. Please give me any and all ideas you have. Love and XOXO
Monday, August 24, 2009
The last of Summer

The sunflowers are starting to die, but I caught a few shots while they are still with us. I have the day off and I plan on painting a bit and relaxing a bit. I still have not figured out what life changes I will be making, I keep waiting for an epiphany, but so far nothing :-). Back I go to the drawing board...Have a wonderful week! XOXO
Friday, August 21, 2009
I almost forgot!

(Click on image to see the yummy detail).
I finished this painting a few weeks ago and then I got busy working jobs and forgot to show you.
I have hardly painted in the last two weeks due to jobs and shoulder/neck/back stuff. I am working it all out and one thing I know is I am not giving up painting! I may have to cut back on work and using the computer so much. I have to rearrange my life a bit to heal this problem up.
I am in one of my introspective phases and I never have much to say until I reach the end of them. So for now that's all I have :-). Let me know what you think of this painting, please :-). (It is carrying on the theme of aerial views and the Title is "Seen from the Sky".
Happy Friday! XOXO
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I caught this lovely shot of Max the other day and I thought I would share it for Animal Wednesday. I'll do a real post someday soon :-)...Happy Wednesday! XOXO
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sorry this photo is a bit fuzzy, but I took it out of my car window in a hurry before they flew away. Have a wonderful Tuesday! XOXO
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I've been thinking...
I have come to a few conclusions and I thought I would share some wisdom that has come to me the last couple days. I have been having some back, neck and shoulder issues. In doing a little soul searching I realized that besides doing hard physical work on my jobs and on my big painting I was also holding stress in these areas because I had started taking life way to seriously :-). The message my body is giving me is to lighten up. So for this weekend that is my goal. No painting (even though it gives me great joy, I sometimes need a break from it), and no work. No house cleaning, no yard work. Nothing but fun. I am not sure what that will be right now, I am winging it. I thought perhaps given the fact that we are all so busy, you (all my lovely blogging friends) could benefit from this message also. Happy weekend! XOXO
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Horn Toad

I ran into this little guy (he is smaller than my little finger) when I was running with my dog yesterday. Isn't he a doll :-). Work has picked up a little, so today and tomorrow are paint days and the rest of the week is devoted to making money. Having two more days to paint is such a blessing. I have one more done (pictures soon) the big one on it's way and another just started.
My paintings are labor intensive, so I can't hurry them, but I feel as though I am on my way to having a new body of work very soon. I am learning some lessons lately (all the time really :-).
One lesson is that my body can only do so much and as I get older I realize this more and more.
That means I honor my body by resting when I am tired, sounds simple, but I wonder how much of the time we don't listen when our body talks to us? I am also learning to honor my time.
I have lost some work because of my prices, but I feel my time is precious and I am not willing to
give myself away for a few dollars. This is a hard one to stick to, especially when money is needed, but it is something I really believe in and I am sticking to it. Life teaches me more and more, that if I trust and stick to my guns things work out. On that note I will sign off, my paintings are waiting for me :-). Happy Monday! XOXO
Saturday, August 8, 2009
New painting

This is a little 8"x8". My new paintings are all memories from looking out of airplane windows at the land below and then of course I add some color :-). I have 3 (two small and one large) paintings in the works right now. Work is slow so I am using my extra time productively.
I am looking forward to the next 48 hours. I get to paint and read and watch the birds. I also plan on a few afternoon naps and a lot of joy seeking. What are your plans for the weekend?
Happy days. XOXO
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sick not dead :-).
My computer that is. It had bugs, but my friend W fixed it with some kind of computer voodoo
:-). I owe him a painting and a dinner. It will take me a while to catch up with all of you, but I will eventually. My ad came out and it is beautiful. Many friends have called to tell me how much they love it which feels good and warms my heart. I am attempting to not be attached to anything coming out of the ad, but it is sometimes hard :-). I am working on a very large painting, finally. It feels good. I have a new painting to show you, but I need to photograph it first. Much to catch up on so I best get busy. See you soon :-). XOXO
:-). I owe him a painting and a dinner. It will take me a while to catch up with all of you, but I will eventually. My ad came out and it is beautiful. Many friends have called to tell me how much they love it which feels good and warms my heart. I am attempting to not be attached to anything coming out of the ad, but it is sometimes hard :-). I am working on a very large painting, finally. It feels good. I have a new painting to show you, but I need to photograph it first. Much to catch up on so I best get busy. See you soon :-). XOXO
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My computer has died. I Don't know when I will be back. I wanted to let you know, so you don't
worry. Oh, also my ad came out!!! And I am working on a large painting! I will be back when I can.
Love and miss you. XOXO
worry. Oh, also my ad came out!!! And I am working on a large painting! I will be back when I can.
Love and miss you. XOXO
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Dream house #19 on Blogland Lane

I am playing along with KJ and this is my dream house, you must follow the link:
( go to ocean front homes and it is listing 09-1058)
and see inside because it is so wonderful! And look at that view! I am moving in tomorrow and will be refurnishing it right away :-). I can't wait to have a big party and invite all my blog friends who live in the neighborhood.
Find your own house and move in next door :-).
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