These are the paintings I have been laboring over for weeks. To all who were expecting flowers in a vase, so sorry to disappoint, I did start one, but became so bored out of my mind that I had to plaster over it. The first and only one was fun because I had never painted one before, but I can now see that it is not for me. I love abstract because it is a way for me to get close to spirit and paint what I am not able to verbalize. Does this make any sense? When I finally broke through my old patterns of doing things these are the paintings that came. I used Venetian plaster, acrylic, graphite and pastel and varnish. They were so fun I got lost in them. One day I painted for 11 hours with just food breaks, now I call that being in the groove. Both paintings are 12" x 12". The tip top painting is called "A Thousand Views of A Spirit in Motion" and the middle painting is called "Nine" The last photo is a close up of "Nine". There are a zillion layers and I sanded and scraped and plastered and drew and carved and burnished. If you enlarge you can see more of the detail. Very labor intensive. I hope you enjoy them, please let me know. Happy Saturday! XOXO