I did the hardest thing I have ever done this morning. I said goodbye to the very best cat in the world. I love all my animals, but Spike was special and he knew it and so did everyone who knew him. The vet said I did all I could do and that yes, it was time to let go. I gave him an hour out in the yard, which he loved so much. It is all brown and shady, but he did not care, he perked up for a few minutes, it was the best I could do for the last morning of his life.
I have many stories of Spike, but I will tell you a few. Once I had a peeping tom and it was back when I only had Spike and Mr. B his brother (who passed six months ago). Spike was on the window sill and he was going crazy. Yowling and carrying on, I went and looked out and saw a man in a ski mask and called the police. Spikee my watch cat.
The first time I ever let him out in my yard he literally jumped up and clicked his back heels in joy. I will never forget that, the image is forever in my mind.
Spike liked to cuddle with me at night, he was my snuggle bunny and I will miss that more than I can say. He also liked to get up on my chest, right in my face and give me what I called kitty massages. I don't know what I will do with out him, I really don't.
Spike was a super smart, loving, friendly cat, he was my love and I will never forget him.
I do not believe in death, I think the spirit moves on and no one will ever convince me otherwise, but Spike is gone from me, from here and that is what I grieve. I am so grateful that I had him 1 year and 4 months past his expiration date (the day he had kidney failure) due to the subQ fluids I gave him and changing his food. To all of you out there with cats, please feed them mostly wet, grain free, preferably organic food with no by products, it could save their lives, this is something I did not know. I believe the reason my two cats died early was because I fed them all dry non organic food. Yes, the wet does cost a small fortune, but if I can do it anyone can. Don't say you were not educated about it, because now you are :-), there is much on the web about this just google it. I owe it to the memory of Spike to pass on this information.
I am closing with a prayer for grace, that I won't be sad forever.
Spike and I both thank you for your many prayers over the past two years.
Love and hugs. XOXO