I hate to be on a downer, really I do. This is not at all the post I had planned. In fact I went on a lovely hike with my dog this morning and took all sorts of wonderful photos of our new running spot, but I just discovered that my beloved tried and true point and shot is broken. All the beautiful photos have lines running through them. I could not see this due to the sunlight when I took them. I need my camera for my ETSY shop and for my blog, so I will have to scrape together some money and go buy another, and given my money situation, a new camera really was not in the plan. Other things were broken today and keys were lost and here it is almost 4PM on my one day off and no art has been done. I want to look on the bright side, at least I am healthy and I have a few hours left to paint, but really I hate to pick up my brush given my mood right now, so perhaps I will go meditate first. In the meantime here is a photo of my new, making her self right at home, kitty, Zoe. I hope you all are having a better day and soon, I promise the bright and happy Annie will return. XOXO