Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010
I was thinking of how to structure the class while painting yesterday and realized, sadly that the plaster takes too long to dry. It can take from 5 hours to a whole day and even if we do two paintings as I was planning, what in the heck do we do while they dry? At first I thought we could take a long lunch and work on the collage bit for the paintings, but that won't take long enough and I do multi layers of plaster. It just won't work. Also I found out the space I wanted does not have a sink. I need a sink to wash brushes. Teaching Venetian plaster would work better as a two hour class once a week, but I can't do that, it would not be worth the time and time is what I have precious little of right now. So, for now at least this idea is being shelved. I was sad at first, but then I realized that I need the time for my own creating and that everything works out how it is meant to.
It was a fun idea though.
Happy Sunday! xoxo
Dennis Hopper
Saturday, May 29, 2010
What Feeds My Soul
1.Painting. Art. Making it, reading about it, living it. If you put me on a desert Island with plenty of art supplies I would be happy.
2.My animal boys. My life would be so empty without them in my life. You can't beat unconditional love.
3. Reading. Right now I just finished one of the most beautiful books I have ever read, "Smilla's Sense of Snow". I was sorry to see it end. I am afraid most books will pale in comparison now.
4. "Lost". I know, where have I been? I don't have cable or satellite and in Taos that means no TV reception, which I am happy about as I hate TV, but I love movies, so I have a TV and DVD player. My lovely bloggy friend Nolly gave me the heads up about "Lost", so I have been renting it. I am in the middle of the second season and I love it. I used to hear about the show, but thought it was some boring thing about people stranded on an island, trying to survive. Oh, how silly I was. This show is so much more! I think it is the best show I have ever seen. Bar none. I look forward to watching "Lost" to the conclusion, which I am already sad about :-).
5. Time off. I have today and tomorrow off and instead of cleaning my very dirty house I will be painting, and reading, and loving my boys and of course watching "Lost", being the hermit I am
and loving every minute.
6. Blogging. I love every one of you and I love every minute I spend blogging and visiting your blogs. It is often the highlight of the day. Thank you.
Happy weekend! XOXO
Thursday, May 27, 2010

When I get overwhelmed with too much work and not enough play, I get cranky. I forget who I am and what is important. Lately, I have been trying something new, I take each moment as it comes, I don't project into the day or week all I have to do, (well, I do project for a minute and then I feel discomfort which reminds me to stay in the moment) when I stay in the moment I feel like I have plenty of time, and then I relax and things go much smoother. Have you ever found that you get really tired if you think about all you have to do? Instead, just do the task at hand and don't worry about the rest. It all gets done. This has been a hard one for me to get, but I am getting it. I just thought I would share this with all my overworked bloggy friends :-).Happy Thursday. XOXO
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
New Work and a Little About my Process

(Click on image to enlarge)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
What's Up
Today, I worked and I have been finishing my organizing of my storage room/office, I thought I would take a little break (any excuse will do) and tell you what has been happening. I have had a grand idea: I want to teach classes about how to paint with Venetian plaster. First problem, I don't have the room at my house for more than one student at a time and my animal kids would make it hard to do as they would want to be involved :-). So, I thought about where I would want to give the classes and I came up with a space in town that is next door to my favorite coffee/lunch spot (Kj, you were there with me, remember?). I happened to run into the owner of said coffee bar/empty space and he is very open to renting it to me. I have to do some research and he has to empty the space out and figure out how much to charge me to use it on the weekends. If it is not cost prohibitive and I can get enough people to commit to it, I am trying this.
It would be so fun to get together with a group of cool people every weekend and create and then take a lunch break and have great food and make a living at the same time. I am thinking of two 6 hour days. How much to charge? Help me with this as I know people who charge anywhere from 75-150 a day for classes. I would provide some of the supplies. What do you pay for a class and what would you pay? Also if I have any readers in Taos or Santa Fe who would be interested in a class, please email me.
Okay, that is what I am up to. Tomorrow I am going to a baby shower!!! I think it has been 25 years since I did that :-).
Happy weekend! XOXO
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Monday, May 17, 2010
Nature walk

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Busting Loose Update
I decided to take a few minutes and update you on what has been happening since I began my work with the "Busting Loose from the Money Game" book by Robert Scheinfeld. Not much money stuff happening since my sale, except a few small jobs have trickled in, but that is not real news. Most of what has been happening is in my attitude and spiritual life. I have always been very intuitive, but now since doing "The Process" for over 3 weeks I have noticed that I KNOW who is calling me EVERY time the phone rings. I KNOW when a package arrives at my post office for me. I have also noticed that I get intuitions about things and actually heed the voice inside instead of ignoring it :-). Things go much better and run smoother. Also (and I really can't articulate this very well in words) I get ideas, brilliant ideas that help me problem solve like never before. I am more joyful and I have a love for my life, as is without needing anything to change. Yes, I would like some changes to happen, but I no longer NEED them to happen to be happy.
I had a friend who just read the book and we talked today, he was complaining about some things in the book. I want to say that this book is not the best book in the world, not the best written, not the most profound, but what Robert has done, is to make this work simple and effective. I have been a seeker of all things spiritual and self help since I was a teenager and with the processes in this book I have seen more results than in all the others combined in a shorter time period. The funny thing is, is that in this work you forget about results altogether. Ironic huh?
Anyway that is where I am right now in this work.
Let me know if any of you have read the book...I would love to talk.
Happy Thursday! XOXO
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Monday, May 10, 2010
For my Raven Sisters

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
I am posting a day early as I am busy tomorrow visiting a friend in a nursing home and helping a friend pack for a move, so today is my Sunday, my painting day! I am off to create! Love. ♥ XOXO
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Animal Wednesday

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Have a wonderful Tuesday! XOXO
Sunday, May 2, 2010
"Dreaming of Paris #2"

Sunday Wandering Randomness