Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More adventures with Dean Stockwell
I had some more time with Dean and I wanted to share.
Really I don't feel I can tell you much as the people
involved may not appreciate it. I will tell you this: I got to know
him a bit more. He is a very funny and shy man. Also very smart.
He made me laugh several times and he did some things I
had never seen him do, even in the movies. He made this very
odd sound at one point and I said "Dean, what in the world was
that?" and he said "Oh, that's just something I do" :-). I adore
the man is all I can say. He is a gem. I wish I could tell you
more, but I think I may be becoming friends with Dean and
I honor my friend's privacy. In any event it was a lovely
afternoon and I feel very lucky to have been included.
Hope you all had a good Wednesday. XoXo
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
e.e.cummings' Tuesday

Monday, July 28, 2008
Thank you M.Kate!

Saturday, July 26, 2008
For the love of clay :-)

I don't think it works.

I am not sure about them, they
look a little Fred Flintstone to me,
but they make me smile.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Be Brave

First Jessie inspired me when she did the Be Brave project and now Kelly is doing it and Jessie is doing it for a second time, so I decided I would join them this time around as I would be in good company. I started yesterday, but today it is official :-). You make up your own rules as to how long you do this, but basically you do one brave thing a day for however long you commit. I am not sure how long I will do it, but I commit for at least one month. I may go longer. When I started thinking about this project I realized I have been doing brave things for a long time. Like the time I moved here without any money, a job or knowing anyone except a sales person I met on a vacation here, she ended up leaving town very soon after I arrived. That was pretty brave. It is really the small brave acts that I force myself to do that make the most difference I think. I won't be telling you the day by day, but you will hear about the highlights :-). I saw how this project changed Jessie's life and I am excited to begin this new adventure. Starting this project is today's brave thing :-). Join me if you like, the more the merrier. XOXOXO
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A question for my friends...
was getting DVDs from a cool DVD place and a fellow
worked there. He was cute, and young and most
importantly he was smart. We used to talk a bit
about movies and I felt he was a kind of kindred
spirit. I had this thought that he liked me, but I
talked myself out of it because he looked so young.
I mean YOUNG. Then he quit working at the DVD
place and a few months have went by. I thought
of him from time to time. Then last weekend I heard
my name called and I turned and it was him and we stood
in the parking lot and talked for 2 hours. He is 27. He
is darling and I am certain he does like me. You know, like
boys like girls kind of like. I think I told him a zillion times
that I was 52 years old. It did not seem to faze him.
I don't know what will happen with this, but I am pretty
sure I can't go there. He is 27! I do like him as a person very
much and if I was even 10 years younger I may be tempted.
A 25 year spread is a bit too much don't you think? He is very
mature for his age though :-). What do you all think? I need
some help here as I find myself actually thinking about him.
Also this post is my first act of bravery for the Be Brave project
I am starting any day. I guess I started today :-). It is a bit scary
to put this post out there because he is a computer guy and
will likely Google my name and find this. Help me people, what
would you do? XOXO
Monday, July 21, 2008
Art Monday

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thank you, Kelly.

The lovely Kelly gave me this award and also Sukipoet (Suki gave me the award as part of a group give away, but I just learned from Kelly how to put the award on my blog :-). Now I will give this award to 7 bloggers, but I can't choose just seven, so I am giving the award to all the bloggers on my blog roll, I know many of you already have this award :-) and it is well deserved. I will however, pick out 7 blogs I am really loving and will link to those blogs as per instructions :-):
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Yoli, Pia , Robin and Maryam-Your blogs are so beautiful and lovely, I am always cheered by them.
Willowtree , Neil and em, you never fail to make me laugh.
I love you all. Have a most wonderful Sunday.
Friday, July 18, 2008
A recipe for you

Thursday, July 17, 2008
What I love about today...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
e.e. cummings' Monday

Friday, July 11, 2008
Double tagged
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your Summer.
well, first, I must tell you what I listen to the most is silence. Sounds weird to most of you, I know.
The thing is, I lived, ate, and breathed rock and roll until I was in my late thirties and I can
hardly listen to it anymore. Oh, I still listen to my old favorites from time to time, but mostly
I just have silence playing in the background and birdsong :-). However, there are a few songs
that have meant something to me this week.
One is "London Calling" by the Clash. They were one of my favorite bands. Last night I
rented "The Future is Unwritten" the Joe Strummer story. I did not really like the film that much, but loved seeing Joe sing his heart out and "London Calling" has been going on in my head
all day. The other song was also from a movie I saw last week called "CharlieBartlett". The film was just okay, but they kept singing a song and I have no idea what it is called: it has lyrics that go
, If you feel high, feel high, if you feel low, feel low...Any of you older people know this song?
It is driving me crazy :-). Anyway, that is it for me, sorry I can't do seven. If you feel to play, tag yourself and say I did it :-). P.S. Have you noticed I don't play by the rules? :-).
Thursday, July 10, 2008
sounds fun, so here goes:
1. Even though I hate it, I am still afraid of being disliked.
2. This one is for Willowtree: my last few cryptic posts are
all about my new obsession and dare I say love for Werner
Erhard of est fame(if you are making a face right now, stop it :-).
I am gearing up for a post about him, so get ready :-).
3. I love carbs :-).
4. Some days in the Summer, when I go for a run, I walk instead because I hate running when I get hot!
5. On my days off I sometimes sleep until 9(I usually get up at 6).
6. Like Julie, I am obsessive/compulsive, but I have it under control :-). No medication needed.
7. I believe in miracles.
8. Once in a while I forget to feed my poor dog dinner, I always remember sooner or later, but sometimes it is later(I hang my head in shame).
9. On my day off, sometimes I stay in my jammies all day :-).
That is the last one, there were no rules for how many, so I picked 9 as it is my favorite #.
Consider yourself tagged, if you want to be :-).
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008
On my mind...

Saturday, July 5, 2008
e.e.cummings' day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
My Magical day with Dean Stockwell...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Random thoughts...
computer my mind goes blank. I think if I just start writing
something will come, or not. I have a whole lot on my mind,
but a lot of it I find hard to share here on the blog. This being
a public place and me still trying for some privacy. I know some
of you let it all out, but while I want to be real and honest here,
I feel I have to hold some things back. This week I have been
on a journey of the mind and spirit and I find myself unable to
share most of it with you right now, but I will say this: Life
is FULL of surprises and just when you think nothing new
is ever going to happen, it does and it blows your whole view
of the world out of the water. I love that life is like that, don't you?
Sometimes it is uncomfortable, but so worth it. I am happy
that I can still be surprised and that people and ideas can still
shake me and wake me up. I am fully awake right now and
it is a joy. I am sparked. What sparks you? What new things
have you learned lately? OXOXOX