Another Pinky video-Now he flies!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Update on Pinky the Parrot
This is Pinky taking his first flight :-).
See how he has grown since the first post
and video about him! I am amazed. He has a GREAT mom and dad :-). He may be getting a name change soon as Pinky no longer fits him. My friend parrot-mom says that he is a total clown and very sweet. I am in love...Have a wonderful Monday all.
Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008
e.e.cummings' day. Yay

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008
Living and dieing

Sunday, June 22, 2008
This little sweetie belongs to a friend of mine, she and her partner made this video of them feeding Pinky. Isn't he a doll? They have to feed him as mom was not doing her job. I am so in love with this baby, I wanted to share him with you :-).
Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008
e.e. cummings

I have rediscovered e.e. cummings and I am in love all over again. So once a week I will have e.e.cummings day and post a poem. We start today :-). I also want to thank all of you for your lovely prayers and thoughts for my brother J. They believe he had a blood clot and they can find no more, so they are releasing him this afternoon from the hospital. They still don't know what caused it and that for me is the scary part, but for the moment all is well. Have a wonderful Thursday and enjoy the poem. Photo is by Geraint Smith.
may my heart always be open to little
birds who are the secrets of living
whatever they sing is better than to know
and if men should not hear them men are old
may my mind stroll about hungry
and fearless and thirsty and supple
and even if it's sunday may i be wrong
for whenever men are right they are not young
and may myself do nothing usefully
and love yourself so more than truly
there's never been quite such a fool who could fail
pulling all the sky over him with one smile
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My brother

Monday, June 16, 2008
working on getting rid of ego (in as much as you can) and saying
yes to life in the now. Resistance gets in the way. A lot. At the
moment I am resisting a whole list of things. I am resisting getting
older, I am resisting having to work and not doing what I love for a
living. I am resisting this sinus infection, the cutting down of the tree
at work and so many things I could write for an hour, but I will spare
you. Instead of resisting I would like to accept what is going on.
I don't have to jump up and down with joy about it, but I want to move into
acceptance because resistance just makes things worse and it makes it all
go on a lot longer than it would if I accepted what was happening. I KNOW
this and yet, I still resist :-). I will learn sooner or later. It feels better
having written it down :-). If any of you want to add your two cents
in about this topic, feel free. Have a lovely evening all.
My wandering heart

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I'm back
Hey, I missed you all while I was gone. Two
whole days away from the computer. It is good
to get away though and take a break, do some
different things. I had a good visit with my brother
and his wife and their dog Dottie. I miss them already.
It was a full house, but we managed. Back to work and
real life. I have a lovely sinus infection due to all the
construction at work. I think I will take it easy today.
I will write a more interesting post tomorrow I promise.
Have a great Saturday.

A) Four places that I go over and over again: These places will mean nothing to you, but Cid's
(organic food store), Mondo video, Kultur Cafe, People's bank.
B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): My brother J, Robin, my mom, the man who will remain nameless.
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: Bravos, Loki, Kultur Cafe, Joseph's Table.
D) Four places I would rather be right now: Carmel CA, Paris, Africa, Rome.
E) Four TV shows I watch over and over: Seinfeld, Curb your Enthusiasm, Twilight Zone, Star trek.
F) Four people I think will respond: I can't keep track who has already done this, so tag yourself if you feel to.
My posting will be a bit spotty as my brother and his wife are visiting and I am working, so time is limited. Have a wonderful week...OXOXOX
Monday, June 9, 2008

This is the third painting I did about relationship. Do you see the words "Let Go"? They are written in four places on the painting and it is the title of the piece. This painting is all about being alone. The relationship did not work out. The photo is not great and I was not able to fix much in photoshop, so forgive me, but it is close. I wish you could see these painting in real life as there is so much texture that gets lost in the photograph. "Let Go" is large 60"x 47" and it is the biggest painting I have done so far. I would like to go a lot bigger, but I would need a much larger space to work in, as it is I paint in my kitchen :-). This painting is for sale :-). Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
Friday, June 6, 2008
My mind wanders...

I know this photo is a bit blurry, but isn't my dog cute?!
I just had to share. See that big bag of grey stuff on the
table? That is clay :-). I have not been able to do anything
more with the clay as my brother and his wife and one of
their dogs are coming for a visit and I did not want to begin
another project without being able to give my full attention to it.
I have been busy cleaning and relaxing on my days off and I
do believe I am now ready for visitors :-). There has been
a lot going on: at work they are working on the outside of the
building, completely redoing it and all I will say is gee that's been
fun :-), they have another week to go. It will be nice when
it is all done, so I am happy it is happening, even if it has
been a bit of a pain. One sad thing is they cut down a tree and
I hate to see that happen. I did my best to stop it, but short
of living in the tree there is nothing more I could do. At home they
are working on the roads, another good thing, but makes it
rough to get to and fro from my house. Helps me to practice
being detached :-). Nothing much more to say except isn't
life grand :-)? Yes, yes it is. Even when things are not perfect,
they are. Have a wonderful Friday. OXOXOX
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Ceramic love
Just wanted to share :-). Go HERE to see. Lovely Wednesday everyone.

Monday, June 2, 2008
My cup